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AS-L WORD/IMAGE PROJECT: Making a Difference Through Service


Definition of Academic Service-Learning (AS-L):

  • Academic Service-Learning at St. John’s University is a classroom/experiential site- based program that involves students in some form of required community service activity and uses that activity as a means of understanding course concepts

  • Academic Service-Learning is a requirement of this course.  All students must complete six hours of service at their chosen location*. 


One of the most profound results of AS-L is:

To realize that you have the power to change the world for the greater good.



AS-L Assignment:




Create a digital word and image project that creatively addresses your chosen service experience. Your project will consist of a gallery module and a text module. Text length: 450 words minimum.


Set Up


A. Create a section on your e-Portfolio called “Service”

B. If you wish you can create sub-pages for text and gallery




A. Create a gallery with at least 6 photos  that relate to your particular service experience. Each image must be accompanied by a caption.  

B. Write a narrative statement that includes the following:

-       A vivid description your service experience

-       Ways in which the service experience heightened your awareness

-       Historical precedents (if any) for this kind of service or research

-       Other reflections or thoughts based on your service experience(s)





Images may include:

- Screen from your online service site

- Photographs related to the service from the web

- Your own photographs of related subjects

- historical images ideally will go back to prior to 1950


Excellent sites for historical photography (if appropriate):



Don't forget to REVISE for: clarity, word choice, organization, sentence structure, image quality.



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