A Short List of Recommended Books for DNY
(listed alphabetically)
Angelou, Maya, The Complete Collected Poems, Random House, 1994
Auster, Paul The New York Trilogy – Faber and Faber, 1987
Baldwin, James Another Country – Dial Press, 1962
Carr, Caleb The Alienist – Randon House, 1994
Chabon, Michael The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay – Random House, 2000
Doctorow, E.L., Billy Bathgate - Penguin, 1990
Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie, Signet Classics, 1961
Hamill, Pete Downtown: My Manhattan – Little Brown, 2004
Hijuelos, Oscar The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love – Farrar, Straus, and Geroux,1989
Hughes, Langston, The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, Knopf, 1994
Hustvedt, Siri What I Loved – Picador, 2003
Jackson, Kenneth T. and Dunbar, David S., editors, Empire City: New York Through the Centuries, Columbia University Press, 2002
James, Henry Washington Square, Harper & Row, 1966
Ng, Mei Eating Chinese Food Naked , Scribner, 1998
Quinonez, Ernesto Bodega Dreams - A Vintage Contemporaries Original, 2000
Riis, Jacob, How the Other Half Lives, Dover Publications, Inc. 1971
Shorto, Russell, The Island at the Center of the World, Doubleday, 2004
Simon, Kate Fifth Avenue: A Very Social History, Harcourt, 1978
Spiegelman , Art In the Shadow of No Towers – Pantheon, 2004
Tax, Meredith Rivington Street – First Illinois, 2001
Wharton, Edith The Age of Innocence, D. Appleton and Company, 1920
Whitman, Walt Selected Poems, Grosset and Dunlap, 1935
Wright, Richard, Introduction to Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City (1945), University of Chicago Press, 1993