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The State of Things

Watch the documentary:


This assignment has been created as an alternative to the original AS-L project, and will try to address some of the same issues of social and environmental justice.


Please create a three-part written response, accompanied by a images or a gallery of images that enhances your written responses. The length of each of these responses depends on your experience, but let's say a minimum of 600 words total.



Part I. Self as Witness


Have you or someone close to you ever experienced discrimination whether by race/ethnicity, social or economic class, gender, body type, language abilities, health issues, etc., etc.? Please describe this experience and the thoughts and feelings associated with it. Try to be as specific as possible.


Part II. Historical Precedents


Having gone down the difficult path asked of you in Part I, it is important to recognize that these problems have been around for a long time; that historical precedents exist for most aspects of discrimination. Please investigate, using the university Databases and other search engines, some historical precedents for the issue(s) you have chosen.


Part III. Going Forward


You have described your own experience and its historical precedent(s). Now, let's imagine the future. What guidance would you offer your future children or the next generation? How can we move forward and heal ourselves? This is a very big question, but one that we all must address. What kind of creative solutions can you offer?

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